Pits B.Ed College, Manpur Uttarkashi
सद्भावना शिक्षा प्रसार समिति
सद्भावना शिक्षा प्रसार समिति
SINCE 2010

Our vision is to provide an education platform to the students who possess a huge interest for professional studies but are unable to pursue it due to the lack of quality institutes in their area. Hence, the need to develop an institute which provides employment oriented education to rural and nearby hilly areas students preventing the migration of talented minds from hills.
India is a developing country and to bring India amongst the developed countries Education of youth will play the major role. The literacy rate of our country is quite low as compared to other developed countries. That is why education must be provided to each and every parts of India and we require well trained teachers and professionals to impart quality education to new generation. Moreover, the new millennium nations are judged by their citizen’s level of education.
"Formed in the spirit of dynamic growth, social justice and intellectual pursuits."